JACK WHITE - Entering Heaven Alive

Télécharger JACK WHITE - Entering Heaven Alive en Haute Qualité

Label : Third Man Records
Nombre de pistes : 11
Genre(s) : Rock
Taille du fichier : 361 Mo

1. A Tip from You to Me (2:43)
2. All Along the Way (3:52)
3. Help Me Along (4:46)
4. Love is Selfish (2:53)
5. I've Got You Surrounded (With My Love) (4:24)
6. Queen of the Bees (2:31)
7. A Tree on Fire from Within (3:00)
8. If I Die Tomorrow (3:00)
9. Please God, Don't Tell Anyone (4:00)
10. A Madman from Manhattan (4:26)
11. Taking Me Back (Gently) (4:35)

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Publié : 21-07-2022 19:47