Alice Cooper - Live from the Astroturf

Télécharger Alice Cooper - Live from the Astroturf en Haute Qualité

Label : earMUSIC
Nombre de pistes : 17
Genre(s) : Rock
Taille du fichier : 883 Mo

1. The Eighth Wonder of the World... (Intro [Live]) (1:00)
2. Caught in a Dream (Live from the Astroturf) (3:19)
3. Be My Lover (Live from the Astroturf) (3:31)
4. Whatever He's Doing It's Illegal (Banter [Live]) (0:28)
5. I'm Eighteen (Live from the Astroturf) (3:34)
6. We Haven't Done This One in About, What, 40 Years? (Banter [Live]) (0:26)
7. Is It My Body (Live from the Astroturf) (2:40)
8. Threatened for a Month (Banter [Live]) (0:40)
9. No More Mr. Nice Guy (Live from the Astroturf) (3:09)
10. I Guess Things Are Getting Better for You (Banter [Live]) (0:53)
11. Under My Wheels (Live from the Astroturf) (3:01)
12. It's a Dangerous Place to Be (Banter [Live]) (1:16)
13. School's Out (Live from the Astroturf) (3:20)
14. More Fun Than It's Supposed to Be (Banter [Live]) (3:18)
15. Elected (Live from the Astroturf) (4:00)
16. School's Not over Until You Vote (Outro [Live]) (0:53)
17. Desperado (Instrumental Bonus-Track) (Live from the Astroturf) (3:28)

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Publié : 01-10-2022 14:14